Using the Administrator Guide
This document provides installation instructions for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation, which is made up of
server-side Base SAS and a variety of server-side SAS products (the exact products vary by
customer). Information about the installation of mid-tier and client-side products are available
from your SAS Software Navigator.
This guide is divided into two parts with different objectives –
• “Part I: Understanding SAS 9.1.3 Foundation” explains what administrators need to know
about SAS 9.1.3 Foundation’s components.
• “Part II: Installation and Deployment Instructions” provides step-by-step details about SAS
9.1.3 Foundation’s wizards and tools.
Your comments about the guide’s structure and contents are welcome.
For information about configuring OLAP, workspace and stored process servers, please see SAS
Integration Technologies: Server Administrator's Guide. For information about setting up a
metadata server, please see SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide. This
material can be found at
Copyright Notice
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc., Administrator
Guide for SAS
9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft
, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc., 2008.
Administrator Guide for SAS
9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft
Copyright © 2008 SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
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