
74 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
use a swap file on your hard drive to store information read into memory. Therefore,
increasing memory can increase performance a great deal.
As your user community increases on the server, more memory will be consumed. Prepare for
this by making sure the machine has plenty of upgrade capability.
Batch Performance and Running SAS in the Background
Under a Windows Terminal Server or Citrix Metaframe, SAS stops processing when the focus
is changed to another application. It will continue processing once the focus is returned to the
SAS session. This same problem can occur when running SAS as a background or batch
For example, if you switched to Notepad while the SAS session is running, the SAS session
will go into a delay state as long as the Notepad window is in front or active. When you make
the SAS window active again, SAS will resume running. To circumvent this problem, follow
the text shown in the example below.
Note: The registry keys have to be typed in, including the actual key itself. Microsoft KB
article Q186628 describes the relevant registry entries.
The following registry modification will boost SAS performance significantly. The values
could be modified for each individual case.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Terminal Server\Compatibility\Applications\SAS]
"NthCountMsgQPeeksSleepbadApp" =dword:0000FFFF
"MsgQBadAppSleepTimeInMillisec" =dword:00000000