60 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
(configuration) file. The default location for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation is C:\Program
Files\SAS\SAS 9.1.
The default location for the SAS config file is the same as your SAS installation folder, so the
second field in this window is grayed out.
If your SAS installation and your SAS config file are stored in separate locations, uncheck the
“Same as above” checkbox and click Browse to find the proper folder. Click OK to continue.
Or, click Cancel to stop browsing and return to the Step 3 window.
Note: If the fields in Step 3 are blank, click Browse to locate the proper folder. Click OK to
continue or Cancel to return to the Step 3 window. Blank fields can indicate a
problem with the installation. If the Renew SAS Software tool is unable to finish,
please check your sassetup.log file located in your !sasroot directory for
errors that may have occurred during your SAS installation. The default directory for
!sasroot is c:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1.
Click Renew when you are satisfied with the locations listed in the two fields.
Or, click Browse to select other locations, or click Back to view Step 2, or click Cancel to exit
Renew SAS Software.
In the next window, the Renew SAS Software tool displays either “The SETINIT was
successfully applied” or an error message to help you diagnose the problem.
Renew SAS Software in Quiet Mode
You can also renew your SAS software with the Renew SAS Software Tool without ever seeing
a dialog. To renew your SAS software in quiet mode, locate the tool on your hard drive in the
directory !sasroot\core\sasinst\sasrenew.
Run the following command from a command prompt:
"!sasroot\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe" -s "datafile:<full
path to your SAS Installation Data file>"
For example:
“C:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe”
-s “datafile:c:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\core\sasinst\sid.txt”
To check if the SID file was applied successfully, look in your setinit.log file. The default
directory for the setinit.log file is c:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\.
Review the following usage notes for errors that you might encounter when using the Renew
SAS Software tool.
Error: The SAS config folder is not valid.
When you run Step 3 of the Renew SAS Software tool (Specify product location), the following
error message might appear:
Renew SAS Software - sas91_xxxxxx.txt
The SAS config folder is not valid. Please verify the folder.
To work around this issue, perform the following five steps to point to the correct
configuration folder:
1. Click OK.