44 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
Using SAS Setup in Quiet Mode
Quiet Setup allows the selections for an installation to be made ahead of time and then used
later when SAS 9.1.3 Foundation is installed on other machines. Using Quiet Setup can save
system administrators a lot of time when they are installing software on multiple machines.
Please follow the steps below and read the help dialogs before attempting to record an
The most common problem encountered during Quiet Setup is an out-of-space situation.
Before beginning the setup, make sure there is enough free disk space on the machine where
SAS 9.1.3 Foundation is being installed.
Due to the nature of Quiet Setup, mistakes cannot be rectified immediately. Correcting errors
involves updating the quiet data file and re-installing, which can be time-consuming.
Quiet Setup cannot recover from a reboot, so make sure each machine meets the minimum
system requirements before attempting to run a Quiet Setup. It is a good practice to always
run the System Requirements Wizard before running a Quiet Setup.
A Quiet record file can be generated by running SAS 9.1.3 Foundation setup in Quiet Record
mode. This will create a data file that can be used for any setup running in quiet mode.
For examples of how quiet mode might be used from a batch script, see the following files:
• sas\core\sasinst\examples\goquiet.cmd.txt
• sas\core\sasinst\examples\sasquiet.cmd.txt
• sas\core\sasinst\examples\srwquiet.cmd.txt
If you use Quiet Mode to update a previous installation, you must update the server image
that was used originally for recording the quiet installation. You will need to record a new
quiet.ini file.
Recording a Quiet Record File
Quiet Record mode creates a data file in a directory you specify that contains responses to any
dialogs that may be presented during an interactive setup.
Submit the following command to begin recording a quiet record file:
<drive letter and full path to SAS setup.exe file>setup.exe record
For example: o:\SAS Server\9.1\sas\setup.exe record
Note: If you record your quiet file on a system that already has end user SAS Foundation 9.1
or 9.1.2 installed, the Select Options dialog will default to a list of the products
installed. You will not be able to unselect any of these items. This ensures that any
updated quiet.ini file contains a minimal set of products required for an update of
that system.
Editing the Quiet Record File
This section explains each of the editable values in the quiet record file. Many of the values
have standard defaults if they are left blank and each default is described below.