Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows 39
Using the SAS Setup Wizard
SAS Setup is a tool designed for the installation of SAS software on an end user’s system.
Setup can be run from a “Client User” image to create SAS clients, or from the CD or “network
location” to create a Personal copy of SAS.
Note: Before SAS software is installed, the System Requirements Wizard should be run to
ensure that the PC meets the minimum system requirements. Refer to the System
Requirements Wizard cha
pter on page 34 for more information.
Starting the SAS Setup Wizard
There are three ways to start the SAS Setup Wizard:
1. From AutoPlay on the SAS Setup Disk, choose Install the SAS Foundation.
2. From the SAS Software Navigator, choose Install the SAS Foundation.
3. From the SAW directory, run setup.exe
Three Ways to Run SAS Setup
SAS Setup can be run in three ways to deploy SAS:
This type of installation allows a user to follow a step-by-step approach with the help of the
SAS Setup Wizard. The user reads questions on each Wizard window and the answers dictate
how SAS will appear on their system. This type of installation results in a working SAS System
on the system where the user ran SAS Setup.
Record Mode
This type of Setup is designed for Administrators who want to deploy SAS using Quiet Mode.
This Setup type gives an administrator the ability to generate and customize a Quiet Mode
INI file that Setup can use to install SAS in an unattended fashion. No SAS files are copied
during this type of installation. Only a single text file (Quiet Mode INI file) is generated.
Quiet Mode
This Setup type is driven by a Quiet Mode INI file, which contains information on how SAS
should be installed on a system. An administrator can use Quiet Mode as a deployment tool to
install SAS on any number of machines in an organization simultaneously without having to
visit each one. The result of running SAS Setup in Quiet Mode is a fully functional SAS
More information is available in the chapters Using SAS Setup in Quiet Mode on
page 44 and
Using Quiet Mode to Deploy the System Requirements on page 36.
SAS Setup Wizard Dialogs
This section describes the steps required to install and run SAS. Administrators respond to
the dialogs as each window is presented.
Most of the dialogs described below offer directions printed here in bold text. These represent
the quickest method for deployment. Indented dialog descriptions represent windows that
may not be a part of your installation.