
68 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
Making an Inventory of all SAS Software During an
The SAS 9.1.3 Foundation installation process provides a way to inventory all the products
that have been licensed and installed for every Windows installation at a site.
To take advantage of this functionality, a site must first configure a SAS Metadata Server to
receive installation information. Please refer to the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: System
Administration Guide for instructions about configuring a server and registering a repository.
Create Deployed Image After Configuring Metadata Server
After you have configured a SAS Metadata Server, follow the Windows installation process to
create a Deployed Image. In the SAS Administrator Wizard, use the SAS Metadata Server
window (described on page 32) to specif
y the configured Metadata Server.
All subsequent installations from the Deployed Image will publish an inventory of what has
been installed and licensed to your SAS Metadata Server.
Viewing the Inventory
To view the registered installations, use the SAS Management Console’s License Manager
node. For details, start the SAS Management Console, click on the License Manager, and
then select Help.
Alternatively, you can use PROC METALICENSE to distill the installation information into a
SAS dataset, which you can then query via PROC SQL. Refer to the SAS 9.1 Language
Reference for more details.