Renaming Projects, Titles, Mixes or Total Recall Setups
In order to rename a file or folder, right click (or ‘<Ctrl
click’) the file or folder and select ‘Rename’. Enter the
name then click on OK.
Backing up a Project
To create a .zip backup of the project, right click (or ‘<Ctrl> click’) on the project name and select ‘Backup
Project’. A popup will appear asking for a name and location to which to save the .zip file.
Restoring a Project
To restore a
backup of a project, right click (or ‘<Ctrl> click’), on a Project folder, then select ‘Restore
Project’. A popup will appear asking for the name of the
zip file to restore to the Projects list – click on the
desired project to select it. The restored project will be restored under it’s original name followed by “(restored
project)”; Projects with the same name will not be overwritten.
Notes Tab
The Notes tab provides a space for storing information about the current Project and Title. Any of the entries,
including Project and Title names can be updated by clicking in the appropriate box and entering text from the
keyboard.Please note that only the ‘Name’ fields for Project and Title will be visible from the console.
The data fields can accept up to 32 characters of information apart from the two ‘Notes’ fields which can accept
up to 256 characters.
Duality Operator’s Manual