33 DDAAWW CCoonnttrrooll GGuuiiddee ((ccoonnttiinnuueedd))
nput, Output and Send Routing 3-11
Viewing Routing 3-11
Changing Routing 3-11
Motion Control 3-12
Basic Transport Controls 3-12
dditional Transport Controls 3-12
Other useful transport modes 3-13
Setting start (In) and end (Out) Times 3-13
Setting Pre and Post Roll 3-13
Audition 3-13
Footswitch Control 3-14
Zoom, Navigation and Selection Modes 3-14
Shuttle/Scrub Wheel 3-15
Numeric Keypad 3-16
Plug-In Editor 3-17
Plug-In Editor Display 3-17
Plug-In Editor Controls 3-17
Paging Buttons 3-17
Selecting a DAW Channel for Plug-In Control 3-18
Timecode/Bars & Beats/Samples Display 3-18
Plug-In Display Modes 3-18
Viewing Current Inserts (Insert Mode) 3-18
Assigning a Plug-In or Hardware I/O Insert 3-19
Editing Plug-In Parameters (Parameter Mode) 3-19
Soft Keys 3-21
Working with DAW Automation 3-24
Automation Enable 3-24
Automation Modes 3-24
TRIM Mode 3-24
Automation Status Display 3-25
Suspending Automation 3-25
Writing Automation 3-25
Automating Cuts 3-26
Automating Pans and Sends 3-26
Automating Plug-Ins 3-26
Mackie Control (MCU) Emulation 3-27
Mackie Function Control Overview 3-28
Logic Template 3-29
Nuendo/Cubase Template 3-32
Sonar Template 3-35
Digital Performer Template 3-38
Duality Operator’s Manual
Table of Contents