Cue/FX Send Master Controls
Each channel is fitted with two Cue Stereo and four mono FX sends for use as foldback,
feeds to effects devices, etc. The Cue Stereo outputs from each channel may be routed
to one of two busses – Stereo Cue A or Stereo Cue B. FX 1-4 feed their respective
The master output level controls for these busses (in the top right of the centre section –
see left) all have 10dB of gain when turned fully clockwise, and an indent at the ‘12
o’clock’ position, which corresponds to 0dB gain.
An AFL button is provided for each output. The AFL signal is intelligently assigned to left
and right AFL busses. Selecting AFL on a single FX output will route signal to both left
and right AFL busses. Selecting AFL on odd and even numbered FX outputs will route
the odd numbered output to the left AFL bus and the even numbered output to the right
AFL bus.
The two Cue Stereo and four mono FX outputs are available to external devices via a
D-connector on the centre section connector panel. The Cue outputs are also available
as sources to the Foldback outputs (see below).
A dedicated set of LCD bargraphs just above the master controls provides metering of
the Stereo Cue A, Stereo Cue B and FX busses (see Centre Section Metering).
Foldback and Headphone Outputs
The console provides three stereo outputs – Foldback A and B, intended for use in the
studio for headphones or LS playback, plus a stereo headphone feed for control room
use; a socket for this is provided beneath the buffer rail in the centre section. The
foldback outputs feed 6.35mm jacks on the centre section connector panel, from where
they may be connected to amplifier inputs.
The master controls for Foldback A and B are provided by two identical sections fitted
just below the main output compressor (see left – only Foldback B shown).
Each output has a dedicated LEVEL control, CUT, AFL, and six source selector buttons
with associated level controls:
The MIX 1 pot controls the contribution of Main stereo mix bus A (MIX A) and/or the
output of Cue Stereo A (CUE A), to the foldback mix.
The MIX 2 pot controls the contribution of the stereo downmix signal (ST MIX) and/or the
output of Cue Stereo B (CUE B), to the foldback mix.
In addition, the stereo Main monitor output (ST MON) and the output of External Source Selector B (EXT B)
may be selected as sources.
Dedicated F/B A and F/B B talkback buttons are used to add talkback to the foldback outputs.
HF and LF shelving equalisers are provided on the outputs.