Group Control Faders
The console centre section features eight control group master
faders. Each group master fader may control a number of slave
channel faders. Additionally, group master faders may control other
group master faders. Currently only VCA grouping is supported; servo
(moving fader) grouping will be added in a future software upgrade.
Group assignments may be stored as part of a Total Recall (option)
Selecting channel faders to a group is simple – press the select
buttons of the channels you want to include in the group then, in the
centre section, press the group button at the foot of the required
group fader (see right). The group display on each fader will reflect
your choice.
To assign a group master to be controlled by another group master,
press the group button on the group master to be controlled (ie. the
slave), and while keeping this button pressed, press the group button
on the group master that will control the slave. Use the same
procedure to deselect an assigned master from the slave group.
Pressing the SOLO or CUT button on a group master fader will have
the same effect as pressing the SOLO or CUT buttons on all the
slave faders. The underlying state these functions on slave faders can
be changed while a group master CUT/SOLO is active, but the group
master CUT/SOLO state can not be overidden by the local function.
Group fader CUT (but not SOLO) buttons may be automated if the optional automation system is active. See
Section 5 for more details.
VCA mode grouping emulates a traditional non-moving fader grouping system – moving the group master
changes the gain of the slaves but doesn’t physically change the position of the slave faders. The gain equals
the gain of the slave plus the gain of the master (in dB). Assigning a fader to a group immediately changes the
gain by the amount the master is displaced from 0dB.