Centre Section Metering
The panel above the main centre section features LCD and analogue metering for the console’s main and
auxiliary outputs:
On the left of the centre section meter bridge are six sets of LCD bargraphs. These are dedicated to the
metering of (from left to right) the following busses:
• AL, AR, BL, BR, CL, CR MAIN MIX flipping to L, R, C, LF, LS, RS depending on whether the master
fader is in 5.1 mode or assigned individually to the A B C stereo mix busses.
• L, R ST MIX (downmix)
• L, R, C, LF, LS, RS FOLLOW MONitor
• L, R SOLO, AFL, PFL bus
• L, R CUE A and CUE B
•1-4FX SENDs
• 1-24 Track BUSSES
The standard scale is +24dB for 0dBFS (top of the scale). Options for different 0dBFS levels are available via
the SSL/Misc/Setup menu (see next page).
To the right of the bargraphs are two VU meters and a phasemeter. These meter the Left and Right outputs of
three mix busses, as selected via the METERS menu (see below).