Duality Logic Control Button Layout
When compared to the HUI protocol layout, the major changes to buttons in this section are that automation
modes replace the screen display select buttons, and the inclusion of the MARKER and NUDGE functions.
GLOBAL uses the 8x8 menu matrix buttons to select different view options. CHANNEL is unchanged and
assigns Duality’s channel gain element to the D-pot. The rotary encoder switch is used to ‘flip’ parameters onto
the faders, but the encoder itself has no function. The dot-matrix display indicates the D-pot mode with a two-
character label. Plug-ins are controlled from the channel D-pots, so there is no longer an ‘EDIT’ select mode for
the channel SEL button.
Transport Control Buttons
Only five of the ten transport control buttons are assigned. These have on-screen tallies in the TFT display’s
status area. Full operational documentation on using Logic with Mackie Control and Extender units can be found
in the Logic Pro 7.2 Dedicated Control Surface Support (Manual).
This can be downloaded from http://www.apple.com/support/manuals/logicpro/