VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-24 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
You can also use a template to specify the contents of the index file header and index file
record. To create a template, click Create Template next to the Index File Template field
on the VIPO Job Submission Client window. The Create an Index File Template window
appears; the default template appears in the display window.
Additional checks are made when creating and supplying an Index File Template to make
sure the field names have the appropriate syntax for XML tag creation. These characters
are invalid for template field names:
\ / : * ? " < > | ( ) [ ] { } ' ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & + = , ; tab and blank space.
Template syntax
The Create an Index File Template window consists of the following eight fields (seven
index file fields and a bookmark field). A defined character separates each field; see
“Field separator” for more information.
1. FileName
2. InputFile
3. EndSplitDate
4. EndSplitTime
5. OutputDir
6. Pages
7. FileSequence
8. Bookmark
The first seven fields are names of corresponding fields in each line of the index file
generated by VIPO. Only the names of these seven fields can be changed in the Index
File Template.