VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-80 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
Held Jobs
When the Held Jobs tab is selected, VIPO produces a window containing a list of all VIPO
jobs on hold.
When any entry in the Held Jobs list is highlighted, these buttons can be used to alter how
the selected job will be processed:
Release Job
Releases the selected job from the “Hold” status. The job’s eligibility is re-evaluated
against the current set of Dispatch Rules, which may result in the job moving to the
“Ineligible,” “Eligible,” or “Conflict” state.
Cancel Job
Cancels the selected job. Once selected for cancellation, the job is removed from the list
and placed in the Completed Jobs queue with a “Cancelled” status.
Completed Jobs
When the Completed Jobs tab is selected, VIPO produces a window containing a list of
all completed VIPO jobs.
When any of the entries in the Completed Jobs list is highlighted, these buttons can be
used to alter how the selected job will be processed:
Review Job Status
Provides the status of the selected job.
Resubmit Job
Resubmits a job for processing, at which point the job’s eligibility is re-evaluated against
the current set of Dispatch Rules. This may result in the job moving to the “Ineligible,”
Eligible,” or “Conflict” state.