VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-63
Parameter defaults
If any or all of the –T or –C parameters are omitted from the lpr command, the following
defaults are used:
• If user= is undefined in the lpr command, then the VIPO_user defaults to
default_user (local-scope) on the lpd server associated with printername.
• If profile= is undefined in the lpr command, the following defaults are tried in this
1. The user defined default lpr profile (lpr_default.pfl) belonging to the
VIPO_user[:scope] as defined on (local-scope) or reachable from
(remote-scope) the lpd server associated with printername.
2. The profile printername.pfl in the XVTP <server_root>/Profiles directory (virtual
printer profile) as defined by the lpd server associated with printername.
• Virtual printer and user default lpr profiles must be supplied by the VIPO user, and
can be created and modified using the VIPO Job Submission Client (Load and Save
Profile functions).
• If printfile= is undefined and other –T options are supplied, then no print file name is
supplied and the job receives a submission error. If no -T options are present, then
printfile= is not necessary.
Example lpr job submissions
This section provides three examples of jobs submitted via lpr.
• This job prints the xyz.lm file using lpr_default.pfl of the default_user if a profile
exists; otherwise it uses xvtprinter.pfl from the generic profile directory:
lpr –P XVTPrinter xyz.lm
• This job prints the xyz.lm file using lpr_default.pfl of the user johndoe if a profile
exists; otherwise it uses xvtp3.pfl from the generic profile directory:
lpr –P XVTP3 –T “user=johndoe printfile=xyz.lm” xyz.lm
• This job prints the xyz.lm file using newjob.pfl of the user johndoe:
lpr –P XVTPrinter –T “user=johndoe profile=newjob.pfl printfile=xyz.lm” xyz.lm