VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-31
Function buttons
These buttons appear on the right side of the VIPO Watched Folders window:
• Add Watch — Allows you to add a folder to the watched list.
• Delete Watch — Allows you to delete the selected folder from the watched list.
• Browse — Allows you to browse for the folder you want to add to the watched list.
• Save Changes — Saves the current changes for the selected folder.
• Resume/Pause — Resume starts or resumes watched folder processing; Pause
pauses processing.
• Change Interval — Changes the current watch interval. When you click this button,
a Change Watched Folders Interval pop-up window appears, which allows you to
change the interval in seconds. The status area on the VIPO Watched Folders
window shows the watch interval.
• File Ready Check — Used to select the method used to determine when a file is
actually ready for job submission, thus preventing processing and submitting files
that are not yet ready for job submission. This selection is indicated in the Status
area of the window. See “File ready check” for more information.
• Help — Provides access to the VIPO online help facility.
Adding watched folders
To add a new watched folder:
1 Click the Browse button and select the new folder. The folder appears in the
Watched Folder box in the watched folder details area.
2 Select the user from the XVTP User selection box in the watched folder details area.
This will be the user for all the jobs submitted from that new watched folder.
3 Select the profile file from the Profile File selection box for the jobs that will be
submitted to this watched folder.
4 Click the Add Watch button to add the new watched folder to the current list of
watched folders.