VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-73
Another example:
StdErrTrigger=(; "Warning:" ; "Error:" | "Fatal:")
means that the presence of the substring “Warning:” in stderr indicates a warning, while
the presence of either “Error:” or “Fatal:” indicates an error.
A StdErrTrigger definition may be empty, indicating that the contents of the stderr stream
is ignored for purposes of determining the return status of the OS command.
A StdOutTrigger return value indication is trumped by a RetValTrigger return value
indication if RetValTriggersStdoutStdErr is true. A trumped StdErrTrigger return value
indication should not preclude the StdErrTrigger value from being considered for
inclusion in the log file.
If the current AutoRun filter is set to give rules control of automatic job processing, the
AutoRun entry in Dispatch Rules allows you to control automatic processing of eligible
jobs on a rule-by-rule basis. For example, if the AutoRun filter entry for “folder” has been
set to “rule-based” value, automatic job processing is controlled by the setting of the
“AutoRun” rule entry.
This boolean entry indicates whether to execute the command string found in the
PostProcessCommandTemplate entry (if not empty). Use this entry to turn the
“post-processing” command on and off without having to remove or comment out the
actual command string.
PostProcessCommandTemplate=(...command string...)
This optional free-format rule entry can specify a command string that will be executed
after the job has been processed successfully by the VIPO Dispatch server. Use this entry
to perform post-processing tasks on a per-job basis. The post-processing command
string has a maximum length of 1024 bytes, and can include field name variable
references and built-in macros that will be resolved before the command is sent for
The AutoRun setting in Dispatch Rules is completely ignored if the
AutoRun filter has not been set to yield control to Dispatch Rules. The
AutoRun filter setting acts as a global on/off switch that can take or give
control of the automatic processing of all jobs.
Once the command string is sent to the operating system for execution,
VIPO Dispatch does not wait for success or failure; it simply sends the
post-processing command string to execute and moves on to process the
next job.