VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-71
A boolean (.INI false: 0. or true: 1) indicating whether detection of an error during
execution of the OS command should cause the VIPOD job to halt processing (transition
from “current” to “complete,” with a status of “failure”) at the record that generated the
If true (.INI true: 1), indicates that the RetValTrigger value takes precedence over any
return value indication returned by either StdOutTrigger or StdErrTrigger. If false (0), then
the return value indication from either StdOutTrigger or StdErrTrigger takes precedence
over that returned by RetValTrigger.
The definition of the integer value(s) returned by the executed OS command, which are
interpreted in the context of success, warning, or failure. These are presented as a set of
rules internally delimited by the “|” character and interstitially delimited by the “;” character
of the form:
where the first set (highest precedence) defines those return values that indicate
success, the second set defines those that indicate warning, and the third (lowest
precedence) defines those indicating failure. In a trigger definition, the “*” (asterisk)
character indicates any value that causes a trigger, except those values defined in a
trigger with higher precedence. An empty value indicates that no triggers exist at that
precedence. A simple example:
RetValTrigger=(0 ; ; *)
indicates that a zero return value indicates success, that no values indicate warning, and
that any value other than those values defined for success or warning indicates failure.
Within a trigger definition, multiple sets of conditions can be separated by the “|”
character, as in:
RetValTrigger=(0 ; 1 | 2 ; <0)
meaning that a zero return value indicates success, a one or two value indicates a
warning, and any negative value indicates failure.
Within a trigger definition, the following operators are recognized:
<, <=, >, >=.
For example:
RetValTrigger=(0 ; >0 ; <0)
meaning that a zero return value indicates success, values greater than zero indicate a
warning, and values less than zero indicate failure.
A RetValTrigger definition may be empty, indicating that return values are ignored - the
OS command is assumed to have completed with “success” regardless of the return value
(unless trumped by the stdout or stderr triggers, see below).
Any value returned by the OS command not covered by the RetValTrigger definitions
shall be treated as a “warning” return value.