VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-30 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
Window elements
The VIPO Watched Folders Client window consists of these elements:
Title bar
Displays the product name (VI PDF Originator Watched Folders Client).
Menu bar
Provides access to the File and Help menus. These options are available from the File
drop-down menu:
• Hide Watched Folders Client — Returns the VIPO Watched Folders Client window
to a task-bar icon.
• Input File Disposition — Controls what happens to watched jobs after they are
submitted to VIPO. There are two sub-menu choices:
— Delete Input File: Deletes the job from the watched folder (default).
— Move Input File to Saved Jobs Folder: Moves the job to the Saved Jobs folder
contained under each watched folder.
• Exit — Exits the Watched Folders Client; folders will no longer be watched.
The Help drop-down menu provides access to the About option, which displays the
version information of the VIPO Watched Folders Client.
Watched folders list
Lists the folders currently defined for watching.
Watched folder details area
Shows the details for the selected watched folder (folder name, VIPO user associated
with the folder, and profile file (optional)) in the watched folders list. If a profile file is
specified, the contents of the file display in the Profile Contents box.
Status area
Displays the current watch interval, which can be changed using the Change Interval
button, and the current method used to check file readiness. It also indicates if folders are
currently being watched.