VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-53
Using VIPO and Adobe Distiller
“Using VIPO and Adobe Distiller” explains how to use VIPO with Acrobat Distiller. These
topics are covered:
• PDF security options
• Adobe Distiller and fonts
PDF security options
The PDF Splitter module supports PDF Security features.
You can set one of these password options in PDF documents generated with Acrobat
•User passwords
• Owner or Master passwords
A User password “locks” the file and restricts file open and read access. If this password
is set, the document cannot be opened unless the password is supplied.
An Owner or Master password “locks” all of the PDF document security settings in the
file. If this password is set, none of the document’s security options can be changed
unless the password is supplied.
To configure Acrobat Distiller to generate PDF files with security settings and optional
password protection, the passwords must be supplied to VIPO so that the original file can
be processed and split into smaller PDF “child” documents.
A User password must be defined in the VIPO Configuration file for VIPO to use it to open
and read the PDF files that have file open and read access restrictions. The User
password is used only to open and read PDF documents for splitting purposes; VIPO will
not transfer this password to any PDF file generated as a result of the split process. This
means that while the original PDF file may have been produced with a User password,
none of the split files generated will have the User password set.
This allows you to generate “parent” PDF files using Distiller, which contains a
site-specific “global” User password for security purposes; however, the generated split
files will not inherit the password.
If an Owner/Master password is defined in the VIPO Configuration file, VIPO will use this
password to process the original PDF file and will transfer the password to each of the
split files generated. Thus, all “child” PDF documents will inherit not only all the security
settings of the “parent” PDF file, but will also have the Owner/Master password set
(security settings passed on to “child” PDF documents do NOT include the User/Open
password). Those security settings are “locked;” regular users cannot change the settings
unless they know the password.