
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Description of PDF/X-1a Standards
About PDF Boxes
The following table describes the PDF media box, bleed box, trim
box and art box.
Table 2-11. Description of PDF/X-1a Standards
File Type Description
PDF/X-1a 2003 ISO standard for graphic content exchange. Files can be opened in
Acrobat 5.0 and Acrobat Reader 5.0 and later. The standard requires
All fonts are embedded.
The appropriate bounding boxes are specified: Media Box,
Trim Box, or Art Box.
Color appears as CMYK, spot colors, or both (RGB and LAB
spaces are not allowed).
Compliant files must contain describe the output printing
condition (e.g. SWOP) for which they are prepared.
The Trap Key is set.
PDF/X-1a 2001 Same as above, except files can be opened in Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat
Reader 4.0 and later.
Table 2-12. PDF Box Descriptions
PDF Box Description
Media box Page size; contains all the objects of a page, including text and images
that appear on the page or that bleed or extend off the edge of the
finished document.
Media box dimensions are always greater than or equal to the trim box
Media box dimensions are always greater than or equal to the bleed
box dimensions.
Crop Box The crop box represents the region in which the page contents are
trimmed when displayed or printed. It defines how the page contents
are placed on the output medium.
The crop box dimensions are always greater than or equal to the trim,
art, and bleed box.
The crop box dimensions are always smaller than or equal to the media