FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Setting up CLI profiles
The CLI Profile Setup dialog allows you to select a script location
and enter optional parameters, set up working directory and
output locations, and define a timeout interval. The dialog includes
the following options:
Profile name: Allows you to enter a name for the profile.
Script full path: Allows you to enter or select the location and file
name of the script file to be used for the external process.
Browse…: Opens a common file dialog that allows you to select a
Parameters: Allows you to enter optional script parameters.
Default parameters are $in$ $out$.
Provide available job data to external process by XML file:
Allows you to request the system to provide additional information
to the external process via an XML file written to the external
process input folder.
Working directory: Allows you to designate a location on a local
or remote drive in which the external process node can place input
files and from which the script can retrieve the files.
Output location: Optional; allows you to enter the location on a
local or remote drive in which the script stores successfully
processed files.
Timeout: Allows you to enter a duration to wait for the external
process to return processed files. If this time elapses with no
returned files or errors, the job fails. Seconds and minutes values
cannot both be zero.
See also:
Configuring parameters