
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Configuring parameters
The following examples illustrate various options for configuring
parameters for CLI profiles.
Example 1: Using the default parameters
Scenario: The user would like to execute a script named
“SomeScript” on the C drive during the execution of the External
Process node in FreeFlow Process Manager. The script takes an
input file as its first parameter, does something to the file, and
stores the result in an output file specified by the second
The External Process Node for Script is configured in the CLI
Profile Setup dialog as follows:
Profile name: Something
Script Full Path: c:\SomeScript
Parameters: $in$ $out$
Working directory: c:\temp (user’s choice)
Output Location: c:\brianOut (user’s choice)
Time interval: 30 seconds
During execution, the user submits the file “someFile”. The
External Process launches “SomeScript” by launching the
following command:
C:\SomeScript c:\temp\someFile c:\brianOut\someFile
The file “someFile” is copied to the working directory by the
External Process node prior to launching the script. Also, the
External Process node automatically uses the same name for the
input file as for the output file.
The External process node waits for the script to finish executing
successfully for the maximum of the time interval (if the time
interval passes, an error has occurred) and then looks for
If the file is there it is picked up; if not, an error has occurred.