
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
About FreeFlow Process Manager
Create or modify
preflight profiles.
The preflight step validates and checks formatting and verifies the image, fonts
and references to OPI image server images. You may want to modify the
preflight profiles that are provided with FreeFlow Process Manager.
For details, refer to the following procedure in the
Freeflow Process Manager
Operator and Administrator Guide
or the online help: “Creating preflight
Set the default job
option in Adobe
For the Convert process, you can select from various job options, or create
custom job options, to generate optimal PDFs in Process Manager. The default
job option that is displayed in Process Manager is selected in Adobe Acrobat
Distiller. You can ensure that Process Manager displays the desired Adobe
Acrobat Distiller default job option by selecting a profile from the Default Settings
drop box in Acrobat Distiller.
For details, refer to the following procedure in the
Freeflow Process Manager
Operator and Administrator Guide
or the online help: “Configuring Convert
Upgrade legacy
workflows that contain
the Job Level Edit
In previous versions of FreeFlow Process Manager, all job level edit functions
(for example, watermarks, page numbering, page rotation) were available via a
single Job Level Edit dialog. Legacy workflows that contain Job Level Edit
processes will perform as they did in earlier versions, but you will not be able to
edit them. To use the version 6.0 job level edit functions, save the existing Job
Level Edit workflow, and it will be converted into a series of individual,
Watermark, Bates Numbering, Page Numbering, Flip and Rotate nodes, as
For details, refer to the following procedure in the
Freeflow Process Manager
Operator and Administrator Guide
or the online help: “Upgrading legacy
workflows that contain the Job Level Edit process.”
Ensure Color Manage
workflow consistency
between the server and
a remote client.
Importing 5.0
workflows with a Color
Manage node.
Workflows that include color management can become inconsistent between the
Process Manager server and the remote client when profiles are uninstalled on
the server.
Color profiles are now managed in the Optimize node Color tab.
If you import a 5.0 workflow with a Color Manage node into FreeFlow Process
Manager 6.0, the 5.0 Color Manage icon is converted to an Optimize icon and
the settings transfer automatically to the Optimize settings Color tab.
For information, refer to the
Ensuring Color Manage workflow consistency
between the server and a remote client
procedure and Importing a 5.0
workflow with a Color Manage node.
Import ICC profiles
ICC profile rights
Import any required ICC profiles.
You must own the rights to use the ICC profiles accessed by FreeFlow Process
For details, refer to the following procedure in the
Freeflow Process Manager
Operator and Administrator Guide
or the online help: “To import an ICC
Table 1-2. Workflow and Job Management Preparatory Procedures
Procedure Overview