FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Related information
This section lists additional materials you may need, or find
helpful, when using your FreeFlow Process Manager system.
To order the Xerox documentation listed below, or for additional
information on Xerox solutions, contact your Xerox
FreeFlow Process Manager documentation
For more information on FreeFlow Process Manager, refer to the
following publications:
• Xerox FreeFlow System Administrator Guide
• Xerox Customer Software Release Document (CSRD) for
FreeFlow Process Manager
Windows related information
Microsoft provides users and administrators with several different
resources to support the Windows 2003 environment. Some of
these resources include web sites and online Help. The following
sections describe these sources and tell you how to find and use
Windows Online Help
Windows 2003 Server includes extensive online Help for all
aspects of the operating system. Most likely, the online Help will
be your primary source for information. Administrative procedures,
from adding users and managing groups to installing Windows
printers, can be found in the online Help files. Furthermore, most
Windows applications also contain their own online Help system
containing information that is specific to the application.
To access online Help, select [Start: Help] from the Windows task
bar. If you are looking for help within a specific application, use the
options available from the Help menu within that application.