FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Workflow Builder menus
The Workflow Builder menu bar provides commands for creating
and modifying workflows.
Commands can also be accessed by right-clicking on a workflow
or workflow option to display the context menu. Menu items that
are not available are grayed out.
See also:
The File menu
The Edit menu
The View menu
The Options menu
The Insert menu and workflow process icons
The Help menu
The File menu
The Workflow Builder File menu contains the following options:
Table 2-2. Workflow Builder File menu
File Menu
Option Description
New Adds a new workflow to the list. Provides a cursor
for editing the workflow name. The new workflow is
added to the list and graphically displayed in the
workspace by a yellow Input folder.
Save Saves changes to the workflow that is currently
open for modification.
Revert Opens the selected workflow to its last saved state.
Displays a confirmation dialog.
Import... Opens the Open dialog; allows you to choose .xml
workflow files.
Export... Opens the Export dialog. Available if one or more
workflows are selected.
Exit Closes the Workflow Builder application. If a
workflow is open and has been changed since it
was last saved, displays a confirmation dialog.