FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Job Manager
Modifying the copy count
The [Copies...] option is available when a selected job is at the
Review step. If the job’s workflow contains a Print step after the
Review step, it opens the Copies dialog, in which the following
options are available:
• Quantity (original document): Allows you to change the
number of copies to print, from 1-9999999, for all Print steps
that follow the Review step in the workflow branch.
Represents the quantity of the document as submitted via an
XPIF, JDF or manifest value (order jacket file field for
Quantity). If the copy count dialog is opened from a Review
node prior to the copy count being modified by a multi-up
repeated Imposition node, only this option displays.
• Quantity (imposed document): Allows you to modify the
imposed copy count. If the Copy Count dialog is opened from
a Review node after the copy count is modified by a multi-up
repeated Imposition node, this option is available and the
Quantity (original document) cannot be modified. Quantity
(imposed document) is available when you:
– Process the job through a Xerox imposition node (not
PREPS) that is multi-up repeated.
– Enable the Copy Count Divisor feature via [Workflow
Builder: Processes: right-click Impose: Settings...].
This feature enables the system to adjust the copy count to
maintain the original quantity intent for workflows that
contain multiple-up impositions.
– Submit a job with a job ticket quantity intent.
– Use Print nodes that do not have “Always use these
settings” selected.
• OK: Sets the copy counts of Print steps following the current
Review step to the specified number.
During the Review task, if both Quantity (original document)
and Quantity (imposed document) are available for a Print
node, the value displayed in the Print node Quantity setting is the
Quantiy (imposed document) value.
For more information about the copy count divisor, see the topic
“To enable the copy count divisor.”