FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
About FreeFlow Process Manager
Post-installation setup
Table 1-2 provides a post-installation checklist you must complete
after your FreeFlow Process Manager system has been installed.
NOTE: This checklist assumes that a Xerox Representative has
installed of all hardware and software necessary to run the
FreeFlow Process Manager system.
Table 1-2. Workflow and Job Management Preparatory Procedures
Procedure Overview
Configure document
repository connections
Use the FreeFlow Administration Tool to configure the connection between
FreeFlow Process Manager and the supported document repositories.
For detailed procedures on configuring repository connections, refer to the
System Administrator Guide or to the FreeFlow Administration Tool online Help
Create user accounts;
add or edit user contact
information; change
XDL Admin account
Creating User Accounts Process Manager user accounts are created and
managed using the Windows Local Users and Groups functionality in the
Computer Management application. Users that are created and added to the
appropriate Process Manager group accounts using Windows appear in the
FreeFlow Administration Tool list of users.
Storing User contact information The FreeFlow Administration Tool is
used to view user accounts that have been created in Windows, and to add or
edit user contact information.
Changing the XDL Admin account password
The FreeFlow Administration Tool allows you to change the password for the
XDL Admin account. This password is set during the installation of the software.
For detailed procedures on creating user accounts, refer to the Windows online
help. For detailed procedures on adding or editing user contact information or
changing the XDL Admin account password, refer to the System Administrator
Guide or to the FreeFlow Administration Tool online Help system.