The new DSP-Controlled P-Series amplifiers combine leg-
endary performance with uncompromised remote-control
and system-supervision capability.
Using state-of-the-art technologies from our signal processor
developments, we guarantee that our amplifiers will provide
superior audio performance.
Typical user-accessable control pages
Unrivalled System Super
• IRIS (Intelligent Remote & Integrated Supervision)
software for user-programmable, password-protectable
control pages
• Remote control and supervision of up to 250 amplifiers
over CAN network
• Built-in state-of-the-art digital signal processing (Filter,
Crossover, Delay, Compressor,Limiter)
• Dynamic Range 115 dB
• RACE-processed presets for EV speakers available
• Realtime supervision of amplifier operation and loud-
speaker load
• Automated system checks including full bandwidth
measurement of connected loudspeakers
• Automated action procedures on critical operation
modes are programmable
Precision Series Remote Amplifiers
Impedance measurement of individual speaker component allows for comprehensive supervision of all speakers using
system check function.