HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 26 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Power Meter Operation
Setting Offsets
2-26 HP EPM-442A User’s Guide
Setting Offsets
Setting Channel Offsets
The power meter can be configured to compensate for a signal loss or gain
in your test setup (for example, to compensate for the loss of a 10 dB
attenuator). This gain or loss, referred to as a channel offset, is added to
the measured power before the result is displayed.
Offsets are entered in dB. The allowable range of values is -100 dB to
+100 dB. A positive value compensates for a loss, and a negative value
compensates for a gain.
If either a channel or a display offset is set then “Ofs” is displayed.
To enter a channel offset which compensates for a loss or gain:
1. Press .
2. Press or depending on
the channel which you want to apply offsets to.
3. Press , . The power meter displays the offset value
in a pop up window. Modify this offset (see below) as desired.
■ Use or to modify the digit on which the cursor is
currently positioned.
■ Use or to move to other digits.
4. To confirm your choice press .
5. is automatically set to “On” when a value is
entered using .
Channel offsets can be disabled and re-enabled simply by pressing
Setting Display Offsets
The display offset function provides a method for entering display offset
If either a channel or a display offset is set then “Ofs” is displayed.
To enter a display offset on the currently selected window:
1. Press , .
A Input Settings B Input Settings
Offset Off On
Offset Off On