
KeyStudio 49i User Guide
To select an alternate function:
1. Press the Edit Mode button.
2. Press the black key that represents the function you want to assign to the Octave buttons. KeyStudio will exit Edit mode
as soon as you push one of these keys.
NOTE: Some of the functions the Octave buttons can be used for cannot send out a value less than zero. When used
to control these functions, both lights above the buttons will remain off, regardless of the current setting of that function.
The seven possible functions of the Octave buttons are:
1. Octave Shift
The Octave “<” and “>” buttons control octave shift by default. Pressing the Octave > button (right) will shift the notes played
on the keyboard up by one octave. Pressing the Octave < button (left) will shift the notes played on the keyboard down by one
octave. Pressing both Octave buttons together will restore the default octave (Octave shift = 0). However, if these keys have
been programmed to control another function, you may wish to re-assign them to control octave shift once again.
To assign the Octave “<” and “>” buttons to control octave shift:
1. Press the Edit Mode button.
2. Press the black key above C1 (C#1), representing Data = Octave. KeyStudio will exit Edit mode as soon as C#1 has
been pressed.
<The Octave “+” and “-” Keys
Another method of shifting octaves is with the use of the black keys labeled Octave “+” and “-” on the Advanced
Functions in Edit Mode diagram. This octave shift method can be useful when the Octave buttons have been
reassigned to control another MIDI function.
1. Press the Edit Mode button.
2. Press the black key above D3 (D#3), representing “Octave +,” to shift the keyboard up by one octave. It is
possible to shift the keyboard up a total of four octaves.
3. Press the black key above C3 (C#3), representing “Octave -,” to shift the keyboard down by one octave. It is
possible to shift the keyboard down a total of three octaves.
4. When you have chosen your octave shift, either press C5 representing “ENTER” or press the Edit Mode button
to exit Edit mode.
2. Transpose
In some cases it is useful to increase or decrease the transmitted pitch by a small number of semitones rather than a whole
octave. For example, you may be playing a song with a singer and the singer is having trouble hitting the high notes. In this
case, you can try reducing the pitch by one or more semitones. This is achieved using a function called “Transpose.”
Transpose works similar to octave shift, except the shift is not limited to multiples of 12 semi-tones. As with octave shift, there
are two ways of transposing the keyboard. When in Edit mode, you can assign the Octave “<” and “>” buttons to control
the transpose feature. Alternatively, you can use the black keys C#4 and D#4 to shift the transposition. These black keys
represent “Transpose -” and “Transpose +” respectively.
To assign the Octave “<” and “>” buttons to transpose:
1. Press the Edit Mode button.
2. Press the black key above D1 (D#1), representing “Data = Transpose.” KeyStudio will exit Edit mode as soon as D#1
has been pressed.
When the Octave buttons are assigned to transpose the keyboard, the lights above the buttons indicate the direction of the
transposition. To return the keyboard’s transpose shift to zero, press both the Octave “<” and “>” buttons at the same time.