M-Audio Electronic Keyboard Electronic Keyboard User Manual

< Assigning MIDI CC’s
After you have selected the controller you wish to edit, you can change the assigned MIDI CC number in the following way:
1. Press the EDIT button, then the CTRL ASGN key. The LCD will indicate the currently assigned MIDI CC number. The “CC” symbol will
also flash.
2. Type in a new MIDI CC value using the numerical data entry keys.
3. Press the ENTER key to confirm.
< The Joystick
Ozonic’s joystick has two dimensions, and four MIDI controllers associated with it. If you recall the factory preset 1, “GM Preset,” moving the
joystick up sends a filter cut-off frequency message (MIDI CC 74), while moving the joystick from left to right sends a filter resonance message
(MIDI CC 71). Try this out with Reason’s Malström synth. You’ll find you can make some very interesting sounds!
The other two controllers are set to OFF (MIDI CC 0) in this preset. It is possible to set these to send any controller message that can be sent
from a rotary dial or fader (please see Appendix B). If you assign a message to these two extra controllers, they will work in the opposite
direction to the cut-off and resonance messages already assigned. Of course, you can also change the cut-off and resonance messages to
whatever you like.
It is necessary to use the Control Select key to select the four joystick controllers for edit. The various joystick controllers are:
Left to Right B18
Right to Left B19
Bottom to Top
Top to Bottom
< The Aftertouch Strip
The Aftertouch strip is made of pressure-sensitive material that lies beneath the keys on your Ozonic keyboard. Aftertouch is useful for
replicating acoustic instrument sounds. Try varying the pressure while playing Ozonic’s keys.
The Aftertouch strip is an assignable controller, just like the rotary dials and faders on your Ozonic. Therefore, you can assign it to any of the
MIDI messages outlined in appendix B that the faders can be assigned to. It does not have to be assigned to Aftertouch, although this is the
case in many of the presets.
Useful settings for this Aftertouch strip are:
< OFF = the strip generates no controller data at all.
< 131 = The strip generates Channel Aftertouch.
< 001 = The strip generates modulation.
The MIDI In and MIDI Out ports have different uses depending on how you intend to connect and power Ozonic.
< About the MIDI In Port
An external MIDI device connected to the Ozonic’s MIDI In port can send data to the host via the FireWire bus. This is achieved using a second
FireWire MIDI Out. When you select the MIDI Devices section of your sequencer, you will see two Ozonic FireWire MIDI Ins. The first of these is
used to receive the Ozonic controller data, the second is used to receive data from the other device connected to the Ozonic’s MIDI In plug.
Ozonic is thereby acting as a MIDI-to-FireWire interface for the other MIDI device.
< About the MIDI Out Port
The Ozonic can also interface with other MIDI devices. By default (i.e. when you switch the unit on), all controller data is sent out via the MIDI
output as well as the FireWire out.
If you are using a host application that can pick up multiple-input drivers, you will be able to use Ozonic’s MIDI input and the Ozonic surface
to record MIDI data and send it all out through the Ozonic’s MIDI output.
Important note: The Ozonic is not a MIDI THRU device. Therefore, MIDI data received at the Ozonic’s MIDI In port can never be sent
directly to the Ozonic’s MIDI Out port. However, if the Ozonic is connected via FireWire to a computer, data received at the MIDI In can be
transmitted to the MIDI Out port, since the data is sent to the computer and received back from the computer. MIDI Out from Host mode
must be engaged for this to occur.
< MIDI Out from Host Mode
MIDI Out from Host mode allows you to determine the way MIDI data is sent from the Ozonic. When MIDI Out from Host mode is engaged,
the MIDI plug symbol in the LCD screen will be active and data transmitted to the Ozonic’s MIDI Out will be merged to the internal MIDI data
stream (e.g. the controllers and keyboard) and the PC stream If the MIDI plug symbol is not visible, then MIDI out from Host is deactivated,
and data sent to the MIDI Out port is only coming from the computer’s host application.
To activate MIDI Out from Host mode:
1. Press the EDIT button.
2. Press the MIDI OUT key.
The LCD display will show the “MIDI plug” symbol, indicating that the MIDI Out port is now set to transmit data from the Host. Edit mode will
automatically cancel.