KeyRIg 49 User Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of the M-Audio KeyRig 49: a 49-key full-size, velocity sensitive USB keyboard designed for easy
integration with your Windows XP or Mac OS X computer. KeyRig 49 is a quality keyboard controller with the ability to control a
multitude of music creation and virtual instrument applications, such as Ableton Live and Key Rig (included in this bundle). The
KeyRig 49 keyboard is also an ideal companion to the popular GarageBand software.
KeyRig 49 Keyboard Features
• 49-keyvelocitysensitivekeyboard
• PitchBendwheel
• Modulationwheel;MIDIre-assignable
• Volumeslider;MIDIre-assignable
• Octaveup/downbuttons;MIDIre-assignable
• EditModebuttonforadvancedfunctionsandprogramming
• Sustainfootpedalinput
• nodriverinstallationneeded–simplyconnectandpoweron
• bus-poweredthroughUSB
What’s in the Box?
Your M-Audio KeyRig 49 bundle should contain the following items:
• M-AudioKeyRig49USBkeyboard
• USBcable
• PrintedKeyRig49QuickStartGuide
• CD-ROMincludingKeyRigsoftware,driver,andUserGuide
• AbletonLiveLiteCD-ROM
If any of the above listed items are missing, please contact the retailer where you purchased the product.