
no neighboring relationship can be established on the interface. This enhances
OSPF’s ability to adapt to the network, which reduces the consumption of system
Configuring OSPF and Network Management System (NMS)
Configuring OSPF MIB Binding After multiple OSPF processes are enabled,
you can configure to which OSPF process MIB is bound.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, MIB is bound to the first enabled OSPF process.
Configuring OSPF TRAP You can configure the switch to send multiple types
of SNMP TRAP packets in case of OSPF anomalies. In addition, you can configure
the switch to send SNMP TRAP packets, when a specific process is abnormal, by
specifying the process ID.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, the OSPF TRAP function is disabled so the switch does not send TRAP
packets when any OSPF process is abnormal. The configuration is valid for all OSPF
processes if you do not specify a process ID.
For detailed configuration of SNMP TRAP, “System Management” on page 301.
Resetting the OSPF Process
If the undo ospf command is executed on a router and then the ospf command
is used to restart the OSPF process, the previous OSPF configuration is lost. With
the reset ospf command, you can restart the OSPF process without losing the
previous OSPF configuration.
Table 50 Configuring OSPF MIB Binding
Operation Command
Configure OSPF MIB binding ospf mib-binding process-id
Restore the default OSPF MIB binding undo ospf mib-binding
Table 51 Enabling/Disabling OSPF TRAP Function
Operation Command
Enable OSPF TRAP function snmp-agent trap enable ospf [ process-id ] [
ifstatechange | virifstatechange |
nbrstatechange | virnbrstatechange |
ifcfgerror | virifcfgerror | ifauthfail |
virifauthfail | ifrxbadpkt | virifrxbadpkt |
txretransmit | viriftxretransmit |
originatelsa | maxagelsa | lsdboverflow |
lsdbapproachoverflow ]
Disable OSPF TRAP function undo snmp-agent trap enable ospf [
process-id ] [ ifstatechange |
virifstatechange | nbrstatechange |
virnbrstatechange | ifcfgerror |
virifcfgerror | ifauthfail | virifauthfail |
ifrxbadpkt | virifrxbadpkt | txretransmit |
viriftxretransmit | originatelsa | maxagelsa
| lsdboverflow | lsdbapproachoverflow ]