RIP 79
Perform the following configurations in RIP view.
By default, the preference of RIP is 100.
Setting Additional Routing Metrics
The additional routing metric, is the input or output routing metric added to a RIP
route. It does not change the metric value of the route in the routing table, but
adds a specified metric value when the interface receives or sends a route.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, the additional routing metric added to the route when RIP sends the
packet is 1. The additional routing metric when RIP receives the packet is 0.
Configuring Route Filtering
The router provides the route filtering function. You can configure the filter policy
rules by specifying the ACL and ip-prefix for route redistribution and distribution.
To import a route, the RIP packet of a specific router can also be received by
designating a neighbor router.
Perform the following configurations in RIP view.
Table 19 Setting the RIP Preference
Operation Command
Set the RIP Preference preference value
Restore the default value of RIP preference undo preference
Table 20 Setting Additional Routing Metric
Operation Command
Set the additional routing metric of the route
when the interface receives an RIP packet
rip metricin value
Disable the additional routing metric of the
route when the interface receives an RIP
undo rip metricin
Set the additional routing metric of the route
when the interface sends an RIP packet
ip metricout value
Disable the additional routing metric of the
route when the interface sends an RIP packet
undo rip metricout
Table 21 Configuring RIP to Filter Routes
Operation Command
Configure filtering the received routing
information distributed by the specified
filter-policy gateway ip-prefix-name import
Cancel filtering the received routing
information distributed by the specified
undo filter-policy gateway ip-prefix-name
Configure filtering the received global
routing information
filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix
ip-prefix-name } import
Cancel filtering the received global routing
undo filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix
ip-prefix-name } import