
File System 303
Example: File System
1 Format the flash.
<SW8800>format flash:
All sectors will be erased, proceed? [confirm] y
Format flash: completed
2 Display the working directory in the flash.
<SW8800>cd flash:/
3 Create a directory named test.
<SW8800>mkdir test
4 Display the flash directory information after creating the test directory.
Directory of flash:/
0 -rw- 6703685 Nov 12 2004 16:01:53 88003-00.app
1 drw- - Nov 12 2004 16:04:26 hafile
2 -rw- 4 Dec 03 2004 04:46:36 snmpboots
3 -rw- 1823 Dec 03 2004 04:45:02 sw8800.cfg
4 -rw- 6326532 Dec 03 2004 04:44:04 88003-00ec06.app
15621 KB total (2836 KB free)
Configuring File
The configuration file includes commands based on command views. The
commands are sorted in one section and sections are separated with a blank line
or a comment line (A comment line begins with a pound sign “# ”). Default
constants are not saved.
Generally, the sections in the file are arranged in the following order: system
configuration, ethernet port configuration, vlan interface configuration, routing
protocol configuration, and so on.
Management of the configuration files includes tasks described in the following
Displaying the Current and Saved Configuration of the Switch
Saving the Current Configuration
Erasing the Configuration Files from Flash Memory
Displaying the Current and Saved Configuration of the Switch
After being powered on, the system reads the configuration file from flash
memory. The default configuration file is
sw8800.cfg. If there is no configuration
file in flash, the system begins the initialization with the default parameters. You
can use the commands in
Table 5 to display the current and saved configuration of
the switch.