RMON 331
Perform the following configuration in system view.
Adding and Deleting an Entry to or from the Event Table
RMON event management defines the event ID and handling of the event by
keeping logs, sending trap messages to NMS, or performing both at the same
Use the following commands to add or delete an entry to or from the event table.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
Adding and Deleting an Entry to or from the History Control Table
The history data management helps you set the history data collection, periodical
data collection, and storage of the specified ports. The sampling information
includes the utilization ratio, error counts, and the total number of packets.
Use the following commands to add or delete an entry to or from the history
control table.
Perform the following configuration in Ethernet port view.
Adding and Deleting an Entry to or from the Extended RMON Alarm Table
You can use the command to add or delete an entry to or from the extended
RMON alarm table.
Table 58 Adding or Delete an Entry to or from the Alarm Table
Operation Command
Add an entry to the alarm table. rmon alarm entry-number alarm-variable
sampling-time { delta | absolute }
rising-threshold threshold-value1
event-entry1 falling-threshold
threshold-value2 event-entry2 [ owner text ]
Delete an entry from the alarm table. undo rmon alarm entry-number
Table 59 Add or Delete an Entry to or from the Event Table
Operation Command
Add an entry to the event table rmon event event-entry [ description string ]
{ log | trap trap-community | log-trap
log-trapcommunity | none } [ owner
rmon-station ]
Delete an entry from the event table undo rmon event event-entry
Table 60 Adding or Deleting an Entry to or from the History Control Table
Operation Command
Add an entry to the history control table rmon history entry-number buckets number
interval sampling-interval [ owner text-string
Delete an entry from the history control table undo rmon history entry-number