
Note that the sum of all elements should be less than 16 bytes in length. The
following table lists the length of the elements involved.
The numbers listed in the table are not the actual length of these elements in IP
packets, but their length in a flow template. DSCP field is one byte in a flow
template, but six bytes in IP packets. You can judge the total length of template
elements using these numbers.
The dscp, ip-precedence and tos fields jointly occupy one byte. One byte is
occupied no matter you define one, two or three of these fields.
The fragment field is 0 in length in flow template, so it can be ignored in
calculating the total length of template elements.
You can use the default template, which defines a quintuple: source and
destination IP addresses, source and destination TCP/UDP ports, IP protocol. You
may also define a flow template based on your needs.
You cannot modify or delete the default flow template.
Applying a Flow Template
Perform the following configurations in Ethernet port view or VLAN view to apply
the user-defined flow template to current port or current VLAN.
Table 4 Length of Template Elements
Name Description Length in template
dip Destination IP field in IP packet
4 bytes
dmac Destination MAC field in Ethernet
packet header
6 bytes
dport Destination port field 2 bytes
dscp DSCP field in IP packet header 1 byte
ip-precedence P precedence field in IP packet
tos ToS field in IP packet header
ethernet-protocol Protocol field in Ethernet packet
2 bytes
icmp-code ICMP code field 1 byte
icmp-type ICMP type field 1 byte
ip-protocol Protocol field in IP packet header 1 byte
sip Source IP field in IP packet header 4 bytes
smac MAC field in Ethernet packet header 6 bytes
sport Source port field 2 bytes
tcp-flag Flag field in TCP packet header 1 byte
Table 5 Applying a Flow Template
Operation Command
Apply the user-defined flow template to
current port or current VLAN
flow-template user-defined
cancel the applied flow template on
current port or current VLAN
undo flow-template user-defined