Perform the following configuration in PIM view.
If the range of the served multicast group is not specified, the RP will serve all
multicast groups. Otherwise, the range of the served multicast group is the
multicast group in the specified range. It is suggested to configure Candidate RP
on the backbone router.
Configuring Static RP
Static RP serves as the backup of dynamic RP to make the network more robust.
Perform the following configuration in PIM view.
Basic ACLs can control the range of the multicast group served by static RP.
If static RP is in use, all routers in the PIM domain must adopt the same
configuration. If the configured static RP address is the interface address of the
local router whose state is UP, the router will function as the static RP. It is
unnecessary to enable PIM on the interface that functions as static RP.
When the RP elected from BSR mechanism is valid, static RP does not work.
Configuring the Interface Hello Message Interval
Generally, PIM-SM advertises Hello messages periodically on the interface enabled
with it to detect PIM neighbors and discover which router is the Designated Router
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, the hello message interval is 30 seconds. Users can configure the value
according to different network environments.
This configuration can be performed only after the PIM (PIM-DM or PIM-SM) is
enabled in VLAN interface view.
Table 37 Configuring Candidate-RPs
Operation Command
Configure a candidate-RP c-rp interface-type interface-number [
group-policy acl-number ]
Remove the candidate-RP configured undo c-rp interface-type interface-number
Table 38 Configuring Static RP
Operation Command
Configure static RP static-rp rp-address [ acl-number ]
Configure static RP undo static-rp
Table 39 Configuring the Interface Hello Message Interval
Operation Command
Configure the interface hello message interval pim timer hello seconds
Restore the interval to the default value undo pim timer hello