packets and packet loss is reduced. The flow control function of the Ethernet port
can be enabled or disabled using the following commands.
Perform the following configuration in Ethernet port view.
By default, Ethernet port flow control is disabled.
Permitting/Forbidding Jumbo Frames on the Ethernet port
Using the jumbo frame enable command, you can allow jumbo frames (1523 to
to 9216 bytes) to pass through the specified Ethernet port. Note that packets of
1518 to 1522 bytes, including the IEEE 802.1Q tagging are always allowed to pass
through Ethernet ports.
Jumbo frames are only allowed for Ethernet Type II frames. Most network
equipment, including NICs, switches, and routers are not capable of supporting
jumbo frames and will always discard these packets.
Perform the following configuration in Ethernet port view.
By default, jumbo frames are disabled.
Setting the Maximum MAC Addresses an Ethernet Port Can Learn
Use the following command to set a limit on the number of MAC addresses that
an Ethernet port will learn.
Perform the following configuration in Ethernet port view.
If the count parameter is set to 0, the port is not permitted to learn MAC address.
By default, there is no limit to the amount of the MAC addresses that an Ethernet
port can learn. However the number of MAC addresses a port can learn is still
restricted by the size of the MAC address table.
Table 7 Set Flow Control for Ethernet Port
Operation Command
Enable Ethernet port flow control flow-control
Disable Ethernet port flow control undo flow-control
Table 8 Permitting/Forbidding Jumbo Frames to Pass Through the Ethernet Port
Operation Command
Permit jumbo frame to pass through the
Ethernet port.
jumboframe enable [ jumboframe_value ]
Forbid jumbo frame to pass through the
Ethernet port.
undo jumboframe enable
Table 9 Set a Limit on the Number of MAC Addresses Learned by an Ethernet Port
Operation Command
Set a limit on the number of MAC addresses
learned by an Ethernet port
mac-address max-mac-count count
Restore the default limit on MAC addresses
learned by the Ethernet port
undo mac-address max-mac-count