
BGP 129
Perform the following configurations in BGP view.
Use the undo command to delete the application configuration. See “Multicast
Protocol” on page 63 for MBGP configuration commands.
Configuring Basic Features for a BGP Peer
In configuring a MBGP peer (group), you should first configure AS ID for it and
then enter the corresponding address family view to activate the association.
Perform the configurations in the following subsections in BGP view.
Creating a Peer Group
A BGP peer must belong to a peer group. Before configuring a BGP peer, you must
create a peer group to which the peer will belong.
There are two types of BGP peer groups, IBGP and EBGP. Use internal to create a
IBGP peer group. Use external to create a EBGP peer group and sub-AS peer
groups inside a confederation.
The default type of BGP peer group is internal.
Configuring the AS Number of an EBGP Peer Group
You can specify the AS number for an EBGP peer group, but an IBGP peer group
needs no AS number. When a peer group is specified with an AS number, all its
member peers inherit that AS number.
The AS number cannot be specified for a peer group which already has group
numbers. Deleting the AS number of a peer group deletes all member peers in
that group.
Adding a Member to a Peer Group
Table 90 Entering Extended Address Family View
Operation Command
Enter multicast sub-address family view ipv4-family multicast
Delete multicast sub-address family
undo ipv4-family multicast
Table 91 Creating a Peer Group
Operation Command
Create a peer group group group-name [ internal | external ]
Delete a specified peer group undo group group-name
Table 92 Configuring the AS Number of an EBGP Peer Group
Operation Command
Configure the AS number of the EBGP peer
peer group-name as-number as-number
Delete the AS number of the EBGP peer group undo peer group-name as-number