QoS Configuration 227
Configuring Traffic Mirroring
Traffic mirroring duplicates the traffic that matches ACL rules to the CPU, for
traffic analysis and monitoring.
Perform the following configurations in Ethernet interface or VLAN view.
See the Switch 8800 Command Reference Guide for details of the commands.
Configuring Port Mirroring
Port mirroring duplicates data on the monitored port to the designated monitoring
port, for purpose of data analysis and supervision. The switch supports
multiple-to-one mirroring, that is, you can duplicate packets from multiple ports to
a monitoring port.
You can also specify the monitoring direction:
■ Only inbound packets
■ Only outbound packets
Perform the following configurations in system view.
You can implement a port mirroring configuration by setting mirroring groups at
the port. Up to 20 mirroring groups can be configured at a port, with each group
including one monitoring port and multiple monitored ports.
The limit of port mirroring configuration:
Table 22 Configuring Traffic Mirroring
Operation Command
Configure traffic mirroring which only
applies IP group ACL
mirrored-to inbound ip-group { acl-number |
acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] cpu
Remove traffic mirroring setting which
only applies IP group ACL
undo mirrored-to inbound ip-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ]
Configure traffic mirroring which applies
IP group ACL and link group ACL at same
mirrored-to inbound ip-group { acl-number |
acl-name } { rule rule link-group { acl-number |
acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] |
link-group { acl-number | acl-name } rule rule } cpu
Remove traffic mirroring setting which
applies IP group ACL and link group ACL
at same time
undo mirrored-to inbound ip-group {
acl-number | acl-name } { rule rule link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ] | link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } rule rule }
Configure traffic mirroring which only
applies link group ACL
mirrored-to inbound link-group { acl-number |
acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] cpu
Remove traffic mirroring setting which
only applies link group ACL
undo mirrored-to inbound link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ]
Table 23 Configuring Port Mirroring
Operation Command
Configure port mirroring mirroring-group groupId { inbound | outbound }
mirroring-port-list &<1-8> mirrored-to
Remove port mirroring setting undo mirroring-group groupId