Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 4 | Amplifiers en | 163
9.5.3 Multi channel interface and basic
amplifier co-operation
The multi channel interface monitors the functions of
the basic amplifier. Under certain conditions a fault with
a basic amplifier channel will set a spare amplifier
channel as a main amplifier channel.
The faulty main amplifier does not have to be in use for
the spare amplifier to be used as the main amplifier. The
software makes sure that the spare amplifier channel has
the same setting as the main amplifier channel that it
replaces. The spare amplifier channel does not become
main if a main amplifier channel is disabled in the
A spare amplifier channel will not replace more than
one main amplifier channel. If a spare channel is
already being used as a main channel, and another main
channel reports a fault, the second main channel is put
on a waiting list for the spare amplifier channel. If more
than two main channels are connected to the same spare
channel, the first amplifier channel to report a fault will
receive the spare channel.
When the first amplifier channel becomes available for
use again, the spare channel takes over the functions of
the second main channel until the second main channel
becomes available.
9.5.4 Front panel LED indication
The front panel of the multi channel interface has LED
indicators that show the status of the connected
amplifier channels and the network status. See table 9.3
and table 9.4 for the description of the status LEDs.
table 9.3: Status LEDs
Channel LED Basic amplifier channel
Green Channel enabled in configuration,
no fault
Ye ll o w Channel enabled in configuration,
fault present (solving the fault sets
the LED to green again, even if the
fault was not acknowledged or reset
by the operator)
Off Channel disabled in configuration or
not configured
table 9.4: Network LED
Network LED Multi channel interface
Green Connected to the network
Ye ll o w Disconnected from the network
Off Powered off