Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 9 | System Configuration en | 360
43.5 Audio expander
43.5.1 Procedure
Proceed as follows to configure an audio expander:
1Go to Configure > Equipment configuration > Audio
expander. A screen similar to the one in figure 43.29
appears in the main frame of the web interface.
2 Click the name of the audio expander that must be
configured. A screen similar the one in figure 43.3
appears in the main frame of the web interface.
3Open the Audio inputs category to configure the
audio inputs of the audio expander (see
section 43.5.2).
4Open the Audio outputs category to configure the
audio outputs of the audio expander (see
section 43.5.3).
5Open the Control inputs category to configure the
control inputs of the audio expander (see
section 43.5.4).
6Open the Control outputs category to configure the
control outputs of the audio expander (see
section 43.5.5).
7 Submit the changes. Note that the changes are not
permanent until the configuration is saved (see
section 40.4.4 and section 40.4.5).
43.5.2 Audio inputs
The configuration page for audio expander audio inputs
is similar to the configuration page for network
controller audio inputs (see section 43.2.3).
43.5.3 Audio outputs
The configuration page for audio expander audio
outputs is similar to the configuration page for network
controller audio outputs (see section 43.2.4).
43.5.4 Control inputs
The configuration page for audio expander control
inputs is similar to the configuration page for network
controller control inputs (see section 43.2.5).
43.5.5 Control outputs
The configuration page for audio expander control
outputs is similar to the configuration page for network
controller control outputs (see section 43.2.6).
figure 43.29: Configure audio expander, step 1
figure 43.30: Configure audio expander, step 2