
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 11 | Optional Software en | 444
Indicates audio is being received but cannot be
processed. This is usually due to receipt of audio
data that is formatted incompatibly with the
current operating mode of this receiving device,
i.e. the sample rate and/or latency settings of the
transmitting device are different than those of the
receiving device. If latency setting are
incompatible, it is normal to see the colored
indicators alternate between black and red with
periodic presses of the Refresh button.
55.10.5 Advanced Configuration
The Advanced dialog allows setting more advanced
variables not usually associated with bundle
management and which apply to the CobraNet device
globally. Care should be used when changing variables
in this dialog. Please refer to the CobraNet
Programmer's Reference Manual for more detailed
information regarding the meaning and usage of these
Not all of variables that can be displayed in the
Advanced dialog are supported in all versions of
CobraNet firmware. Variables that are not supported
will be displayed as N.A. with a grey background color.
Variables that are supported but are read only and can
not be changed are also displayed with a grey
background color.
figure 55.8: Advanced configuration dialog