Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 9 | System Configuration en | 392
47.3.14 Cancel last
The Cancel last action key is intended for cancelling the
last stacked call that originated from the call station. See
figure 47.21 for an overview of the Action programming
page for a Cancel last key.
The Cancel last function only works during the broadcast
replay phase, after the pre-monitor phase. To cancel a
call during the pre-monitor phase, configure the key that
starts the call with the abort on repress option, and use that
47.3.15 Cancel all
The Cancel all action key is intended for cancelling all
stacked calls that originated from the call station. See
figure 47.22 for an overview of the Action programming
page for a Cancel all key.
47.3.16 BGM source
Using the BGM Source action, a BGM source can be
selected. When a BGM Source key is pushed, the LEDs
of the zone selection keys of the same call station show
the zones in which the selected BGM channel is playing.
Push the zone selection keys to add or remove zones.
See figure 47.23 for an overview of the Action
programming page for a BGM Source key.
figure 47.21: Cancel last action key
figure 47.22: Cancel all action key
figure 47.23: BGM source key