Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
2011-02 | Installation and User Instructions | 5 | Call Stations en | 260
24 LBB4436/00 Key Covers
The LBB4436/00 Key Covers are used to protect keys
from LBB4432/00 Call Station Keypads from being
pushed by accident (e.g. alarm or emergency keys). A
set of LBB4436/00 Key Covers consists of 10 key covers
and 10 replacement lenses.
To install an LBB4436/00 Key Cover on a LBB4432/00
Call Station Keypad key:
1 Snap the key cover in the replacement lens (see
figure 24.1 for the end result).
2 Remove the original lens from the LBB4432/00 Call
Station Keypad using a pair of pliers.
3 Snap the key cover and replacement lens assembly
in the LBB4432/00 Call Station Keypad.
4 Optionally, use cyano acrylate glue to fix the
LBB4436/00 Key Cover permanently to the
LBB4432/00 Call Station Keypad.
figure 24.1: Key cover