Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
2011-02 | Installation and User Instructions | 5 | Call Stations en | 208
16 LBB4432/00 Call Station
16.1 Introduction
The LBB4432/00 Call Station Keypad is used in
combination with (remote) call stations to make manual
or pre-recorded announcements to any assigned zones,
to select the zones or to execute pre-defined actions (see
figure 16.1).
16.2 Controls, connectors and
16.2.1 Top view
The top of the call station keypad (see figure 16.2)
contains the following:
1 Paper slot - Each programmable key (3) has a
corresponding paper slot, which can contain a
descriptive label to identify where the programmable
key has been configured for. It can be snapped in
and out of the keypad.
2 Key indicator - Each programmable key (3) has a
corresponding key indicator (see section 16.5).
3 Programmable key - Each programmable key
can be configured to perform a specific action when
it is pressed (see chapter 47). To protect keys from
being pushed accidentally (e.g. alarm or emergency
keys), key covers (LBB4436/00) can be put on them.
figure 16.1: Block diagram
next keypad
call station or
previous keypad
The PRS-SW Praesideo Software DVD
contains a Microsoft® Word file
(Manuals/Keypad labels.doc), which can be
used to create labels.
figure 16.2: Top view