Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | ISO7240-16: 2007 en | 62
7. 2 . 2 Where a voice signal is used as part of the alert
signal, the alert signal shall precede the first pre-recorded
voice message for 3 s to 10 s. Successive alert signals and
messages shall then continue until either automatically or
manually changed or silenced. The interval between
successive messages shall not exceed 30 s and alert
signals shall be broadcast whenever periods of silence
might otherwise exceed 10 s.
Praesideo offers this functionality via its call macros. The
installer must configure the call macros accordingly.
7. 2 . 3 Where more than one alert signal is provided, each
signal shall be clearly distinguishable.
Praesideo offers a wide choice of independent alert and
alarm signals.
7. 3 Evacuate signal
7. 3 .1 The evacuate signal may be preceded by an alert
signal (see 7.2).
The use of an alert signal, together with an evacuate signal,
should be assessed as part of an emergency management
plan (see ISO 7240-19). For buildings and structures
where the plan requires the unassisted evacuation of
occupants, the s.s.e.p. may be configured to generate a
warning signal that does not incorporate an alert signal.
Praesideo offers the possibility to configure a call macro
with an evacuation signal or evacuation message only.
7. 3 . 2 The evacuate signal shall include the tone signal and
pre-recorded voice messages, as specified in ISO 8201.
Manufacturers may implement other signal templates to
satisfy specific mandated national requirements.
The installer must configure one of the dedicated ISO8201
compliant evacuate signals that Praesideo offers. These
emergency signals have the temporal pattern as described
by ISO8201 and have a predefined name
‘Emg x ISO8201 C’, with x being a sequential number.
The installer must ensure that the sound pressure level of
the evacuate signal is at least 65dBA, or 75dBA if the
signal is intended to arouse sleeping occupants.
ISO8201 does not specify pre-recorded voice messages,
but Praesideo offers the possibility to store and select
custom voice messages to satisfy specific mandated
national requirements.
7. 5 Audible warning - Optional function
7. 5 . 3 The audible warning shall be silenced automatically
when the s.s.c.i.e. is reset from the voice alarm condition.
Praesideo silences the audible warning signal upon
acknowledge of the voice alarm condition. Acknowledge
and reset can be combined in a single action.
7.6 Delay before entering the voice-alarm condition -
Optional function
d It shall be possible to override the delay by a manual
operation at access level 1 and/or by a signal from a
manual call point.
Since the Praesideo system does not process the fire
sensors, this functionality is better handled by the device
managing the fire sensors (the CIE). The Praesideo system
itself does not implement this requirement.
7.7 Phased evacuation - Optional function
c When switching from phased evacuation to manual
mode, the phased evacuation sequence shall halt.
Praesideo has multiple priority levels to override (phased
evacuation) calls by manually activated calls.
d When switching from manual mode to phased
evacuation, the phased evacuation sequence shall
resume from the point at which it was halted.
Praesideo will resume manually overruled calls without live
speech but with emergency priority, after the overruling call
has finished.
Clause / Requirement Compliance Signature
8 Fault-warning condition
8.1 Reception and processing of fault signals
8.1.2 The s.s.c.i.e. shall be capable of simultaneously
recognizing all of the faults specified in 8.2, and in 8.3 if
provided, unless this is prevented by
• the presence of voice-alarm signals in the same
emergency loudspeaker zone, and/or
• the disablement of the corresponding emergency
loudspeaker zone or function, and/or
• the testing of a corresponding zone or function.
In Praesideo supervision is always active.
8.2 Indication of faults in specified functions
8.2.2 If the indication is by means of separate light-emitting
indicators, these may be the same as those used to
indicate disablement and/or testing of the corresponding
emergency loudspeaker zones or functions.
Praesideo uses separate indicators for faults.
The optional disablement and test conditions are not
supported by the Praesideo system.