9-16 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
the appropriate cable type.
P/N 335-3263 (Pulse Valve)
Figure 9-16 shows the connections for pulse valve 1
and pulse valve 2. The pulse valve 2 leads (BLACK/
GREEN) may be clipped if a second evaporator is not
present on the case.
P/N 335-3261 (Sporlan SEI and Emerson Flow Con-
trols ESR Stepper Valve)
The 335-3261 valve cable is equipped with a four-pin
male connector that plugs into a four-pin female connector
on the valve. Plug the valve cable connector into the valve
P/N 335-3260 (Generic Stepper and Emerson Flow
Controls ESV Valve)
The 335-3260 valve cable has six flying leads for con-
nection to a stepper valve. Four of these leads connect to
the stepper motors, while the other two serve as the power
wiring (+12VDC and ground).
The pinout for this valve cable is shown in Figure 9-
17. Table 9-5 shows how to hook the flying leads to Emer-
son Flow Controls ESR, Emerson Flow Controls ESV, and
Sporlan SEI & CDS valves.
9.4 ESR8 Valve Output
The stepper valves are wired to the board by connect-
ing the four-conductor wire from the stepper valve to a
connector plug and then plugging in to one of eight jacks
along the top of the board
Figure 9-18. Use the cable har-
nesses supplied with the valves or use Belden #9418 four-
conductor 18AWG wire.
If the stepper valves have block-style connectors, cut
the ends off and attach the terminal plugs supplied with the
ESR8 to the wire ends.
Figure 9-16
- Wiring the 335-3263 Valve Cable
Figure 9-17 - Wiring the 335-3260 Generic Stepper Valve
Wire on Valve
Cable 335-3260
Flow Con-
trols ESR
Flow Con-
trols ESV
Pin # Color
1 Red Red Blue Red
2 Black Blue Red Green
3 Blue Black Black Black
4 Green White White White
5 White Yellow
6 Brown
Table 9-5
- 335-3260 to Valve Connection Information
NOTE: A wire run may not be longer than 150
ft. using Belden #9418.